Life Enhancing Resources from Marketplace Ministry
Prosperity and Success are Powerful Subjects
View the 28-page color Brochure
Where I Began, Where I Am, Why I Plan... What's next.
Wisdom gained at 80 traveling and producing films on 5 continents.
The sin is not in trying and failing but failing to try
Videos, Audios, and Print
Be Amazing: Learn from the Ancient Olive Tree
Only 3-5% know this truth and they are the most successful people in the world.
Videos, Audios, and Print
The Articles of Transformation
Character is built, not bought. Develop character attributes of successful people.
The Assignment
The Foundation for the Ultimate True Success in Life
Nothing Happens Until the Sale Is Made
The greatest skill anyone can develop to persuade and convince in all phase if life.
Book, Videos, Audios
A Quick Guide for Producing Powerful Presentations
​Like food, video, audio,
The Horse Whisperer
Technique for Making Life-Long, Faithful Relationships
The One Word
Business Knowledge Library
10 Audios
The Complete in Him Series

The Bible's Most Important Topical Subjects
The Bible is a very comprehensive source of God's will for believers and may take years to understand the many layers of truth it contains. To help understand the Bible basic truths we have provided a series of Quick Notes that cover the very essentials. These Quick Notes were specifically authored for the new believer.

Share this information with others. Make a few copies for your next group meeting and ask your members to share on one of the subjects that has been a revelation to them about their faith.
This is truly the most important activity a new Christian should engage in. Share these with friends and learn together.
Click here for a FREE Pack of all 9 Quick Notes​
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Discover God's Plan for Your Life
Discover God's plan for your life for personal fulfillment and peace. Be patient. God very often has us take a step at a time preparing us for the next step and ultimately our planned future.
For I know the plans I have for you” this is the Lord’s declaration“
plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and hope.
(Jeremiah 29:11)

Be Amazing Discovery Book
The content and personal exercises in this book will provoke you to think beyond the personal barriers that hold back most from experiencing the special and valuable individual plan God has designed for you.
This brief but powerful book helps individuals self-discover the goals, personal strengths and liabilities, as well as your true beliefs that will point you toward a passionate and purposeful life. Discover the Biblical path for your true prosperity and peace. We have been helping individuals discover God's plan for their lives for over 40 years.
Heaven’s storehouse is before you. Apply the fruit of wisdom held within these lessons and the riches of this life, and the one to come, will be your reward and legacy.
Be Amazing! Domenic & Charlie Fusco
Develop the Character Attributes of Christ

The Articles of Transformation
God teaches us through what He has created. Embedded in the fabric of the universe are masterful illustrations of God’s ways, His will, and His unchangeable character.
The Articles of Transformation offer three of God’s remarkable creations as tutors on your quest to find the secrets of true prosperity. Layer upon layer, uncover the keys to your bright future hidden in plain sight. Consider the The Olive Tree, The Seed, and The Constellations
More details on the series​
The Book Purchase includes FREE videos: Sample video
Other Helpful Resources
A Quick Guide for
Producing Powerful Presentations

Although this quick guide was written to help young film makers, the principles apply to almost any presentation whether you are a preacher, professional writer, or presenter.
From the Kremlin to Kalamazoo, Siberia to South America, Israel to Italy and beyond, I have produced films utilizing the techniques found in this book: A Quick Guide for Producing Powerful Video. The insights within are gleaned from decades of personal experience and acquired knowledge in the creative, technical, and marketing aspects required for producing powerful presentations.
As a workshop the book will guide you from start to finish giving truths and techniques for successfully impacting your audience.
Purchase your copy here
The Greatest Marketplace Skill
You Can Develop
Nothing Happens
Until The Sale Is Made

Purchase your copy here
The valuable information, illustrations and inspirations in Nothing Happens Until the Sale Is Made is a must for beginners and a fresh perspective and motivator for the seasoned professional. An understanding of Domenic Fusco’s seven step selling process will insure a level of life skills that are applicable and necessary for personal and business success at every level. Learn “how to” enjoy the same entrepreneurial success Domenic Fusco has enjoyed for more than 45 years.