​“The Assignment is an anointed treatise filled with practical and powerful tools for building God’s kingdom on earth. This book is Biblical, historically resourced, and expertly explained.” Pastor Myles Holmes REVIVE
“The Assignment has an appointment with your name on it. Read it and let God move in your life in a deep and special way.”
Jeff Ferguson Jeff Ferguson Ministries
Ken and I are thankful for the Fusco’s being such great role models and dear friends who have dedicated their lives to carrying out Jesus’ assignment. In this book, Dom and Charlie provide the groundwork for the reader to experience the joy of knowing God, and then to easily and quickly share the gift of the Good News with others: from their living room to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Pat Martin
In 1978, our family attended a fellowship group in the home of Dom and Charlie Fusco... Every meeting was marked by God’s tangible presence and by the agape love we had one for another. As a group, we were nurtured in the Word and encouraged to be more desiring of living for Jesus, our Lord. We felt the calling to spread His message of loving grace, repentance, and forgiveness.
The Fusco’s home discipleship group experience gave us a firm foundation in Christ that allowed us to thrive and to make lifelong memories and relationships we will value throughout eternity.
R. Pardue Coggins.

More Testimonies
”… the Fuscos offer profound prophetic insight. This message with its attached mission has given the body of Christ a most needed tool. If embraced, taught, and lived out, it will change the trajectory of the currently declining church and will right the course of believers to embrace a truly Biblical worldview.”
Dr. Charles Travis
Founder/President Aidan University
“How fortunate I was as a new believer in Christ to come in contact with Visible Light Ministries and the discipleship resources they publish. There is no better resource for building a foundation for your faith than the Quick Notes.”
Bob Minotti
Co-Founder of Joey’s Gift
“These easy-to-read and comprehend study guides are a God-gift to the church for equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.”
Dr. Terry Norris
Founder Emerge Ministries
Faith-based fellowship is a major factor in individual spiritual formation and church growth. People have a deep desire to be known, appreciated, and included. Many times this is unattainable without small groups. Home groups have historically bound people together offering support and encouragement in a world filled with isolation and loneliness. People are healed, completed, and secured in the faith from the belonging that small groups offer. There is no other way to accomplish “The Assignment” than to do it the Master’s way.
Dr. Larry Linkous
New Life Space Coast, Founder
Key Testimonies
To my delight, I have finally found that elusive ministry tool! Domenic and Charlie Fusco of Visible Light Ministries have delivered a prophetic call for a return to post-Upper Room discipleship in their new book, The Assignment. Included in the book, or available at www.visiblelight.org/resources, are comprehensive ministry support topical studies called Quick Notes. These easy-to-read and comprehend study guides are a God-gift to the church for equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.
Dr. Terry Norris
Founder and Executive Director,
Emerge Ministries
How fortunate I was as a new believer in Christ to come in contact with Visible Light Ministries and the discipleship resources they publish. I actually received much of the foundation of my faith through studying their amazing Bible “Quick Notes”. What a blessing they were then, and are today, as topical study references for confirming and sharing the essentials of Christianity! To this day - all these years later - the teachings from those resources help me to share my faith in Christ in simple and clear terms. There is no better resource for building a foundation for your faith than “Quick Notes”!
Bob Minotti
In the 1970s, my husband and I held a weekly group in our home as a part of the church’s outreach to disciple all the many people coming to Christ during the Jesus movement. These groups were called “cell groups”. Just as a cell divides and multiples eventually forming a whole body, discipleship begins when two or three gather to pray and learn about God’s plan for man, how to implement Jesus’ teachings in their lives, and then share that message with others. In no time, our sweet fellowship group reached capacity. We encouraged the more grounded Christians to step up and launch their own groups.
After one of our couples, Dom and Charlie Fusco, were raised up to start their own discipleship group, they realized God’s call on their lives into ministry. Their burden to disciple the nations and support the church with media and teaching materials is the essence of their international outreach: Visible Light Ministries. Our heart connection cemented in those early days remains strong today. It is a joy to see the seed planted in our home group decades ago flourishing and continuing to make disciples for the Lord through “The Assignment”.
Rachael Gaglardi.