It is completely up to you to design your future and that requires developing the character attributes all successful people possess. This site is dedicated to assisting you in finding your calling in the world of "film making". It starts with developing the personal character attributes needed to succeed in whatever you dare to dream. This includes:
Identifying Core Values for Success
Character Development Techniques
Personal Discovery Exercises
Personal Transformation Strategies
Every profession or calling requires systematic training: Doctors, mechanics, teachers, chemist, accountants, etc. This is also true for all collaborators of film. Just look at the credits at the end of every film and you will see how many areas there are to choose from for a career in film. Famflicks will introduce you to the basics skills of film making including the definition and responsibilities of all key players. Discover your gifting suitable to a particular area in film making and begin to develop the knowledge and skill to become a movie maker.
It is our goal to see the Famflicks members produce projects however small and grow. The third ingredient in any successful enterprise or career is finding an opportunity and putting your core values and skills to action. I did filming in Siberia in the middle of the winter where I experienced minus 40 degree temperatures. But the chilling reality was not the weather but the lack of opportunity that prevented one of the most educated people groups in the world ( the Buriats-more PhD's per capita) from any kind of success. There was little opportunity to put their skills to action. Develop Core Values... Discover you Skills... then ACT. Make a Movie!